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New Year, New Paths

Hi y'all, I hope everyone of you has had a great beginning of this New Year. As for my family and I well ours has been impacted with loss. My sweet, and encouraging mother-in-law, passed away at the beginning of the year. No one was expecting this loss, it was all too sudden. We are slowly coming to terms with that really big presence no longer here. She was truly a great person, kind, and loving and we all knew it- including the community she helped so much. We haven’t really had a proper mourning period, if you remember we started working on opening our bookstore last year. As construction life would have it we had to keep pushing opening day as one thing lead to another. When construction is involved it is just an open door of possibilities; either running smoothly or bump after bump. My mother-in-law was one of our biggest cheerleaders, and voice of calm and reason. She kept telling us it would be great, not to worry it would all work out. She was right and here we are, we officially opened the store this past weekend. It was a wonderful turn out and we were welcomed warmly by the community. Unfortunately, we did not get to share this new and finished endeavor with her, but we know she was with us in spirit. Smiling at the coffee bar addition we added, she was huge on coffee. ☕️💕 Among the opening of the bookstore, I also had a new book in the works, and that also took up plenty of my brain space. Really we or maybe just me I have not really had the proper chance to mourn this loss as some would. I think maybe she wanted that for us. So we just kept moving forward and cried and laughed along the way. We are grateful to our family, and friends for helping us get through all of this thing we call life. We are truly blessed, although we have been faced with many obstacles, and heartache, we are still here pushing through and accomplishing our goals. The new book is about finished and should be headed to your nearest store/or with me by March of 2023. We look forward to bringing you more smiles this year; your smiles bring us smiles and we look forward to seeing them. May this year be one of new beginnings, and new journeys, whatever that may be, don’t falter, for every step, big or small, is a step that leads us to OUR paths. Biggest of hugs and warm wishes. V.

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