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“El Don 2”

Updated: May 20, 2022

El Don and me met up a few more times before I officially became the additional keeper. It was not long after that I introduced El Don with my companion O.P. It was oddly strange at first, it seemed like El Don was testing him. They got along just well soon after. It was like an immediate connection with them two. A year later it was official the two would end up living together in a new home. This home was not approved immediately, it took them time to adjust to this home. You see this home was on wheels. It moved constantly and it took time for the two to get their road legs right. It seemed all was going well, and things were falling in place. Alas, things change, and they change fast. The old keeper and I begin a new journey. This changed the course for El Don.

Our home on wheels became a safe haven for many other wards. These others where seeking their furever homes with their own keepers. Together as a team we decided this was our call, it was our time to help those in need. So, we begin with the first ones a month later. El Don and O.P. where very weary of this decision and told us right off hand they didn’t approve. We began to question if this was the right choice. We didn’t want to cause any more hardship on our companions. We felt it was better to leave O.P., this trip. So he stayed with a family member of ours.

This next trip we would only take El Don. On this specific trip we take a group of kids out to their destination in Utah. El Don seemed to finally ask these wards questions. After a few hours of interrogation, El Don and the kids were relaxed. You know right at that moment there was silence. Those kids had not stopped crying until that very moment. I still had not met El Don, and I was getting to wonder if I ever really knew him. 🤔

Today after a few years on the road and visiting his other keeper’s family. El Don shares his home, no longer on wheels with his loyal companion friend, O.P. As well as 3 other members, Kato the Warrior, Titus the Valiant, and Denver the Goldfish. Each one welcomed into his life at different times. All accepted and all given a role. I have been graciously granted to continue to be El Dons keeper, among the rest of his family. I seem to be accepted as well as the original keeper. We have been trained well enough to be in his presence. I can say I think we have become more like family. 😊

(Actual Note: from Keeper) AJ my husband and I are known as the keepers in this story. We traveled the country coast to coast for about 3 years, taking adorable animals to their new homes. We delivered a variety of puppies, dogs, kittens, cats and the occasional turtle and rabbit. We had the opportunity to meet new keepers (families) in many new states. Our companions traveled with us at different times. Sometimes together and sometimes one at a time. We were blessed to help so many animals and families during that time. I will attach a picture of El Don aka Charlie in his home on wheels.

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